Easter Egg Hunting @Serena
LET the game begin:
These were the key eggs used throughout the game
We opted to put them traditionally just like how the hen lay her eggs in the nest
and then hide for kids to hunt them down
This below is one big chocolate egg, which was the grand prize of the dayThe Winning egg
These below were prizes for 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th winners
The egg white was chocolate, and egg yellow had a toy inside
Can you see that? a tiny elephant .... how cute!!
lots of goodies, eat a choclate and you get more prizes to play with.
Double presents, chocolate and a toy!
Plus the game itself activate mind, build confidence , makes kids happy and excited which is very healthy for kids
WE thought the balls pool match better with the egg theme
It was a must for Easter
I love the look, Serena is greeny, kids friendly and spacious enough for kids to run here and there. Safe for them with or without shoes
I am sorry couldn't capture all pics of the hiding places and how the game went down, was enjoying my brunch. At least i was here to capture the awarding
THE girl could hunt!! She ended up the grand WINNER!!
There were four rounds, she emerged the overall winner .
The grand prize was presented by the Manager in Charge!
Here she is, holding her big chocolate egg.
I think this was made after an Ostrich egg...haaa haaa
The Serena staffs are so friendly and kind to kids. Look how she is holding her awwwwww
THE 1st, 2nd , 3rd, 4th 5th Winners with their eggs
See how big the choclate was !! the egg-like; amefaidi!!!
See you at Serena every SUNDAY , Brunch hours (1200 to 1600)
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